We’ve all heard the “is the glass half-full or half-empty” question many times. We’ve all assumed the answer provides a certain depth of insight into our perspectives on life’s situations. Are we “Optimistic” or “Pessimistic.” In an era of online psychology assessments, bumper-sticker politics, and increasing social isolation are we categorizing too much and in the process losing our individualism, and depth of relationships and understanding?
Take a deeper dive into the half-full or half-empty question by asking why. Interpreting the answer to the question isn’t as simple as it seems. Half-empty could mean that the individual started with the assumption that the normal status of the glass is full. The half-full answer could mean the individual begins with the assumption that the normal state of the glass is empty. When we understand where people are starting from, we get better insight into their perspectives, and what motives them. In turn, our ability to relate becomes stronger.
Marketers spend a lot of time learning target personas and segmentation of those personas by categories of Lines of Business and Industry, and modern automation tools like Marketo and Eloqua allow us to personalize and tailor messaging towards those segments and personas. Additionally, Account Based Marketing tools like Demandbase and Rollworks are aiding in our ability to transition B2B marketing to more of a Business-2-Individual approach. Having the technical aptitude to leverage these tools is essential. Even more critical is applying a technique to these tools that meet the individual buyer psychology and journey. Creating a demand funnel that allows sellers to have enough information to ask the “why” question at the right time in the buyer’s journey is all technique.
“People don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care.
Understanding the individual’s perspectives on the business problems our solutions solve is the key to unlocking their motivations. Those perspectives are as varied as the individuals are. They can’t be categorized, weighted and scored using marketing automation tools. It comes down to relationships to make that connection. Applying marketing techniques such as closing events or relationship networking at the right time in the trajectory of the ABM cadence can help sellers get to the “Why” and make the transition from B2B to B2I. That moment of transition is where perspectives are revealed, individual relationships are established, and opportunities are closed.
So with the benefit of perspective in your answer… Is the glass half-empty or half-full?
Tom Griggs
Tom’s experience in marketing and business development in the B2B Software space started in Analytics, and grew into broader data integration, management, governance, and consulting services for software vendors and their partner channel community. Tom has built and led marketing and inside sales teams at several leading enterprise software and consulting firms. His experience includes brand management, channel marketing, building modern marketing automation systems, developing innovative demand generation programs, building and leading business development teams. Find Tom on –